We won't repeat the subject of whether everything we see on the internet is real or staged, simply leaving a question mark about the authenticity of this prank, but if it is indeed real, it's not only epicm but also downright justified, and we'll explain why.
The protagonist is a habitual drinker named Mark who has amassed five (!) DUIs (Driving Under the Influence – makes you wonder how the heck he kept his license…) and the pranksters are Tom Mabe and Jim Clark.
The two men purportedly decided to give Mark a lesson after he was found once again passed out drunk in his truck.
What they did is turn their office into a hospital room bringing Mark inside and fooling him into thinking that he'd been in a coma for 10 years following an accident.
Maybe we're reading this the wrong way, but to us, Mark's reaction after he realizes it's a prank doesn't really show a change of heart when it comes to his drink-driving habits…
If this video prank is for real, and he does have five DUIs, this guy shouldn't be allowed to touch a steering wheel with a 20 foot pole.