Launch control used to be exclusively reserved for racing and rally cars, but also for high end performance models that had more power than tire, and had difficulties launching cleanly.
Nowadays, you can get a pretty advanced system on even the most basic performance cars, like Renault’s front-wheel drive Clio RS .
It is by no means a singular example, and in fact, it shows that tech will trickle down into the lowest and cheapest of cars given time. CNET takes a look at which performance-enhancing pieces of tech have made it into mainstream cars on a wide scale.
The information presented is not new, but the video posted below has a good, solid premise and clear structure, and is genuinely informative, if a bit simplistic for those who already have a more detailed view on the matter.
Check it out and have your say on the selected five techs; should there be more, fewer, or different ones altogether?
By Andrei Nedelea