For over seven decades, Batman, also known as the Caped Crusader and the Dark Knight, has captured the imagination of comic book readers as well as television and cinema viewers in his quest to bring justice Gotham City and keep the streets clean from evil-doers; sometimes in a very comical, tongue-in-cheek fashion (1966 TV Series ), other times in a dark and perhaps tragic manner (Dark Knight). Read more »
mercredi 31 juillet 2013
Great Batusi! Designer Dreams Up a Hot Rod for Batman
For over seven decades, Batman, also known as the Caped Crusader and the Dark Knight, has captured the imagination of comic book readers as well as television and cinema viewers in his quest to bring justice Gotham City and keep the streets clean from evil-doers; sometimes in a very comical, tongue-in-cheek fashion (1966 TV Series ), other times in a dark and perhaps tragic manner (Dark Knight). Read more »
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