It is to my belief that no matter how much manufacturers blow their own horn about being green , becoming more eco-friendly and making less-polluting cars , the fact of the matter is it could probably all be proven to be bogus if anybody cared to dig as deeply as necessary. A mere marketing ploy to get us to keep buying cars , and keeps swapping them out for new ones every few years, if you will.
Moreover, the more cars there are on the road, the more congested everything gets and the more difficult life becomes in the affected urban areas. One way of not being drawn in would be to pedal around the problem, and get a bicycle for in-town commuting, using the car for road trips or other longer journeys.
It is projected that by 2020, the number of cars on the road will increase dramatically, from the one and a bit billion we have now, to two billion. That’s almost twice as many cars on the same roads we use today, and it will all be presented in an upcoming documentary called “Bikes vs. Cars,” which is currently in pre-production.
There’s a trailer for it attached below, and as these styles of documentary have been known to do, it makes a compelling case even in short three-minute form. It’s the work of a Swedish filmmaker called Fredrik Gretten, who is now trying out his luck with Kickstarter to raise cash to finish off his piece on time for a 2014 release
By Andrei Nedelea
BIKES vs CARS TRAILER from WG Film on Vimeo.